
977 Capp St. San Francisco, CA 94110

Just four dudes hanging out in the living room, trying to figure out how to play more shows before I leave in August. You'd think it'd be easy to play house shows, but it kind of sucks when we're all not in school anymore and we're all lazy as fuck.

I've decided to move back to Hawaii when the lease runs out in August. Kind of nuts, ya? I think so. I'm doing it, whatever. I don't want to digress. I feel a lot of things because of it.

I meant to update this thing a while ago when I got a text from mom saying, "Update your blog." I swear I had a lot of things to say, but now I can't think of any. I have to be in the mood I guess. I think it's cause I'm announcing to the internet world what I plan to do in August. It's blocking my brain from operating normally. I've told my friends whenever I see them but this is different. So weird how the internet influences me like this. So ya, sorry mom this is a shitty post. The pictures are from an assignment for my photo class. The camera is fine and I already thanked Tricia for lending it to me. Don't worry.

Here's what I turned in:

Oh shit I turn 23 in 10 days. Jesus Christ, man.

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