

Hi. It's Friday, so I'm at NJAHS right now. I moved to The Mission neighborhood of SF. My room is smaller and cheaper.

I don't have internet at the house so I've been pretty much been disconnected for the past 2 weeks. It feels very liberating. It makes me feel young not going on the internet every five minutes. It makes me remember what I used to do as a kid before computers. I still want internet badly though. In place of the internet I've been playing more music and walking around the neighborhood.

I crashed on my bike pretty bad. My knees and elbows looked like strawberries. I don't remember the last time I cursed so much while taking a shower. I'm glad I was wearing a helmet. The car behind me, the one that I was worried of running me over, stopped and gave me a ride home. They were nice. Getting all these cuts and wincing in pain from the peroxide made me feel young again. It reminded me of when I used to get scrapes like these all the time. I still hate wearing band-aids and would rather have my clothes rub against the wounds.

I still take pictures when I can.

I like thinking about things like this.

My tumblr is updated automatically everyday

Some recent articles that I've been into

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