

For the next almost two months, I will be spending as much time as I can not sitting in my chair in my room. Not the exact same, but the closest looking one after googling "Ikea chair cloth", pictured above is the most technologically advanced chair in the world. If you sit in it with a laptop connected to the internet, it will, through electromagnetic waves, transmit every fucking topic/subject/point of interest into your head to look for through the interweb. It tailors what it sends depending on the person sitting in the chair. I'm not sure what other people get but every single time that I sit in that chair I read manga, watch/listen to music, edit pictures, read the interesting current events, blog and facebook. NOTHING ELSE. Having said that, it is the perfect chair for doing anything BUT SCHOOL WORK. My own stupidity might keep me from graduating on time, so from now on, I will stay at school as much as possible to get stuff done. My room was never a productive place for me, even in the dorms. Right now, I'm in the atrium where I will probably be till dawn. No more blogging and no more facebook again. If school was a person and we were in the 3rd grade and he invited me to his birthday at Discovery Zone, I would decline. This is how much I hate school.