
1st Week in Korea

It feels like I've been here for a month already.  So many different types of shock have happened in my first week here, mainly related to my work and living situation.  I'm just kind of waiting for things to get evened out.  I know that I can't just sit around and wait for things to happen.  I have to make them happen.  I'm still trying to get a feel for how the work will be.  I'm at 3 different elementary schools and the first two that I've been to are pretty different.  Kind of hope that the third school will at least use the same set of textbooks as one of the other schools so that I'm not carrying around 3 different sets of books. 

Go Jeon Elementary School: 30 students
  • Monday and Tuesday
Jin Jang Elementary School: 33 students
  • Wednesday
Go Nam Elementary School: haven't been yet
  • Thursday and Friday

It's not 30/33 students per class, it's per the entire school.  Some grades only have 2 students which depending on the school makes things easier or more difficult.  The shitty thing is getting around to the schools.  Since it's only my first week the principal of Go Jeon will be taking me and introducing me to the other schools.  After this week, I will apparently have to take a bus to somewhere then take a taxi to whatever school I have to go.  It is as confusing as it sounds and is obvious that nobody from either school really thought about how I would get to and from school. 

And, It's really humid sticky no breeze whatsoever hot.  I shower twice a day.  With the boys.  More on that later. 

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