
SF Rules #7

If you're not trying to circumnavigate the entire city, walking in SF kinda rules. Take tonight for example.

I just came home from a friends house in the Western Addition(upper most black dot). It took about a half an hour, maybe a little more from getting something to eat from Safeway and according to Google, is just a hair above 3 miles. And I by no means would describe myself as a "walker," but it was a fucking pleasant walk. My mp3 player on shuffle was picking the perfect songs, I was wearing the perfect clothes to stay warm but still feel the cold, the amount of sketchy dudes were out numbered by the universal head knod of hospitality dudes, and I was SLIGHTLY drunk. Emphasis on "slightly" as to not discredit the pleasantness of the walk but I'm sure that it did help just a little. It's just nice to walk sometimes and tonight at 1am was one of those times.