
The Sutro Baths are pretty sick if you can imagine how grand it was in its heyday at the turn of the century. I mean turn of the 20th century because by saying "turn of the century" nowadays technically refers to the turn of the 21st century. Except that we don't say that and opt for "the 2000's" or whatever. I can't wait till saying, "turn of the century" starts referring to this century and not the last. Though by that time I'm sure I'll be dead. Well whatevers, I'm too lazy to talk about the baths, so click that link.

The only other time that I remember coming here was last summer when I was all alone and decided to take some pictures of the sun setting. I ended up leaving too late and didn't know how to use my camera very well so I just sat on a wall by myself and stared at the after-sunset sky. However, this time I was with Aurora and her(now my) friends and had ample time to use my photography master skills to shoot the shit out of the sunset.

I decided to space it out and post the pictures on my tumblr which is automatically updated once every 12 hours. I don't know if anyone has noticed since no one comes here, but now I use the tumblr way more than this blog. Also, as I'm sure all five of you who read this know, I deleted my facebook. As you can see from my almost constant updating of two blogs, I am a slave to the internet. Facebook was probably the biggest weight on my back so I had to get rid of it. I mean I got it right as it was getting big, when it was still only for college students and now I'm not in school anymore so I don't think that I need it. Four years is a good amount isn't it? That's way more than I spent on myspace and xanga combined. But ya, I'll digress on some other post.

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